Monday, January 4, 2016


I have never made New Year's resolutions. But this year was a little different. Over the Christmas break, I read a book that really inspired me to adjust how I think and act (I guess that is kind of like a resolution). It asked a simple question that helped me realize how much I was letting "fear" influence some of my decisions and actions. I realized that I often let silly little fears of rejection, failure, or ridicule keep me from doing things as simple as initiating a religious conversation with someone or even asking another Christian to pray for me about something.
Sometimes I don't even know what I am afraid of, but fear has kept me from making the best choices.  

Most of us wouldn't think of ourselves as fearful people, but we often (perhaps unconsciously) let our fears influence our decisions and actions. Usually we don't even realize we are doing it. We don't want to live in fear. After all, the Bible tells us not to fear man (Matthew 10:28 and Proverbs 29:25) but to fear and trust God instead.  We are called to live boldly and courageously (Joshua 1:9). But we often fall short and don't even realize it.  

One quote from the book illuminated this issue for me. It went something like this: "What would you do if you weren't afraid?" When I started asking that question it helped me realize areas where I was afraid. It also helped clarify what I should do and helped me make the right decision in spite of my fears. 

As we start this new year, I want to ask you the same question from a couple different perspectives.   As you read this question, pray and ask God to show you where you are letting fear influence your thoughts and actions. 

As a Christian (ambassador of Christ) what would you do differently if you weren't afraid? 
-at work
-in your neighborhood 
-in your relationships (spouse, kids, parents, boss, co-workers, etc)
-in your planning for the future
-with your finances
-with your possessions

As you consider this questions, imagine how much more free you would feel if you applied it to even one part of your life. How would you choose to act courageously in spite of your fears? How would it change what you do or how you act? 

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