Monday, November 16, 2015


Last Christmas I spoke with a girl I met about evangelism and being a Christian in the workplace. She told me that she travels a lot and doesn't feel like she has had opportunities to share her faith in Jesus with anyone at work. However, she does make it a point to share her faith when she travels. I was fascinated and challenged by what she had said. By contrast, when I fly/travel I usually make it a point to fall asleep as soon as possible and am sometimes annoyed if the person next to me wants to talk.

Most of the Christians I know are like me and cringe at the idea of evangelizing (or being evangelized to) while stuck on a flight next to strangers. We find the whole idea uncomfortable and take measures to avoid it. My personal technique is to put earphones in (international sign for "I don't want to talk").

However, I do remember one time when I shared my faith with someone while flying but it was entirely because that person asked a lot of questions and basically invited me to share the gospel with her. That experience got me thinking...what if I could duplicate that kind of interaction? What if there was a way to share the gospel as a normal topic of conversation rather than something awkward and uncomfortable?

The Bible makes it clear that we are supposed to be Christ's ambassadors to the world we live in, "as though God were making his appeal through us" (II Corinthians 5:20). The Bible doesn't say that we should obey God only when it feels comfortable, but that is often how we act. I'm not suggesting that we should all evangelize to other travelers next time we fly somewhere. However, sharing our faith should be part of our lives.

As it turns out, the girl I met recommended a book to me that does an excellent job of showing how to easily and non-awkwardly talk about the gospel and other spiritual issues. I have read several books about evangelism (there are a lot of books about this topic), but so far I like this one the best. It is called "Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions" by Gregory Koukl and can be found on Amazon if you are interested. I found it very helpful and interesting.      

So what about you?

What scares you most about sharing your faith with people?

What steps have you taken to overcome your fear?

Is it awkward or are you super smooth with it?

Please feel free to leave a comment below so others can learn from your experience and thoughts.

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Image courtesy of Khunaspix at

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