Monday, November 30, 2015


I used to be extremely uncomfortable with how to share my faith with co-workers (or anyone, for that matter) or even how to bring up the topic of religion. I was afraid of talking about religion because I thought people might have a closed-of or even hostile response. But I also knew that as a Christian, I am supposed to be a bold ambassador for Christ. Still, it took a lot of courage for me to do it...and when I did do it, it felt clumsy and awkward.

Since those days, I have learned that I'm not the only one; many Christians struggle with how to evangelize. It shouldn't be so hard to talk about something we believe is true and life giving.  Nevertheless, it is very difficult for most of us.

But one day that changed for me. I discovered that it is possible to bear witness to Christ without being awkward about it. And, it doesn't even require me to be a super skilled debater or a Bible expert. In fact, it is so simple and so easy that I wondered why I had never tried it before. I also wondered if it was "too easy;" after all, isn't witnessing supposed to be hard?

Here is what I a normal place in a conversation I ask one of these two questions: "what is your faith background?" or "do you have any religious beliefs?"

Those simple questions open the topic of religion without feeling like you are "forcing" your beliefs on someone. I have found that almost everyone enjoys sharing their beliefs on a given issues if they are asked about them. Their answer to one of these questions will allow you to get to know them better and find out what they believe. It gives you a chance to ask follow up questions. You may have the chance to share what you believe or you may not. Either way, it will give you insight into how to pray for the person and will give you a launching point to continue the conversation at another time.

You may be wondering how that question can have a "normal" place in a conversation. In any conversation where I talk about what I did over the weekend, what my interests are, or what I do for fun I give a true answer which often has to do with my faith. For example, when asked what I did over the weekend, I will list what I did and include in that list that I visited a Christian church. Then I'll ask something like..."what about you; do you have any kind of faith background?"

The first time you try this, you will likely still be anxious about it. But give it a shot and let me know how it goes. By not having a "script" or an "agenda," except for wanting to get to know someone better, the conversation will be a lot easier. After you do it a couple times, you will realize it is just as normal as having any conversation.

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Is it ok to talk about religion at work?

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