Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I've wasted too much time.

When I look back over my life and think of when I was not actively serving and loving people in my sphere of influence or in the body of Christ, I now view it as wasted time. I have some good memories but they are meaningless, knowing that many of my best friends could spend eternity separated from God.

Christians getting out of the military have often told me "I'm getting out because I can't be a good/devoted/faithful Christian in the military." Is there any record of Paul or any other apostle stating at any time (or even while they were imprisoned), "this place is too dark and the conditions too harsh to fully follow Christ's example?" No. Paul said he would serve and preach to his guards until he was brought before Cesar where he would share God's love with him as well. 

Like all of you who have or will be in some dark times and places while you're in the service, I've wondered where God is and how He is working in my part of His world. The answer is that He is in you, and you are to be His light in that dark place where He has placed you. 

At a recent Bible study, we discussed the parable of the three servants who were given five, two, and one bag(s) of gold while their master went on a long journey (Mathew 25:14-30). It stood out to me that the third servant with the one bag of gold wasted the time (verse 26) that the other two servants used to double their masters money. Jesus taught that we should be like the two who used their time well.

There are people around us who will never walk into a church or open a Bible on their own. They need Jesus just like us, and what we do or don't do could influence whether or not they ever come to that realization. Ask Him to show you how to be that "good and faithful servant" right now. Our friends depend on it. 


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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