Monday, February 29, 2016


For the past several weeks I have been scrambling to put together an application package to transfer to a different career field in the Navy. I have spent hours on the phone to discuss different options, get career advice, and ask for letters of recommendation. Sometimes I feel very excited about the opportunities I'm applying for. But I have also woken up in the middle of the night thinking about all the worries and concerns that come with potentially moving to an entirely different career field. I have been wondering if I'm doing the right thing. There are so many different options and I don't know how to ensure that the one I am choosing is the right one; if it is the direction God is leading me in or not; if there is a better choice; if I should wait longer or do it now.

At some point, most of us face these kinds of questions regarding what decisions to make in life. We want to make the right life choices but don't always know what those choices are. We have all heard stories from people who say God closed the door on one opportunity and opened the door to the "right" opportunity; but somehow it doesn't always seem that clear when we are in the midst of big life changes.

All of these thoughts were going through my head last week when I read something that helped me.  Proverbs 19:21 says, "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." This passage helped me realize that no matter which direction I try to go in, ultimately, I couldn't screw up God's plans. His purpose will still prevail. I am still praying about all the things I'm doing and doing my part to make sure I make a good decision, but thinking about this verse has helped me trust that God is still in control and I can trust in him.

If you are worrying about a life decision and don't know what to do, pray about it. Ask the Lord for wisdom and then think about if he is providing an answer through prayer, relationships, the Bible, or somewhere else. Do your due diligence to make sure it is a sound decision. Then make the best decision you can and trust that if it is the wrong one, his purpose will still prevail.    

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Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at  

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