Monday, May 23, 2016


In two weeks I'm graduating from a year long school the Navy sent me to. I'm excited to be finished but still have no idea what my next job will be. For several complicated and uninteresting reasons, I may not know what my next assignment is for several more weeks. I have also been trying to sell my house and a boat before I have to move. As you might imagine, I have been worried and stressed about these issues and what might come next...even though there isn't anything I can do to change my circumstances.

A lot of us feel this way from time to time. We get worked up over something in the future that we can't do anything to change. For some of us it might be any number of issues including a job change, potential promotion, relationship issue, medical concern, and so on. Whatever it is, we focus so much on that thing that we fail to do what is right in front of us today. Some of us are almost completely unproductive until that thing gets worked out.

That is how it was for me, until I was convicted about my lack of trust in the Lord. I realized that I was so focused and anxious about something that I should have been trusting God with. If I really trust him the way I say I do I wouldn't be so anxious. Philippians 4:6-7 says we are not to be anxious about anything, but rather to be thankful and trust God in prayer with our concerns. Proverbs 3:5-6 is also very encouraging; it says to trust in God with all our hearts, regardless of our understanding of our circumstances. Lastly, Matthew 6:34 tells us not to worry about tomorrow but to focus on today, the things we can actually effect. Once I focused on the truths in these verses and chose to trust God, rather than worry, life became a lot more peaceful for me.

So what about you? Is there some issue that you are worried about? Something that you are having difficulty trusting God with? I challenge you to read the verses I mentioned or find some that fit your circumstances; take some time to think about what they say and spend a few minutes praying about it. Do it again tomorrow. Keep doing it. Your attitude and outlook on life will change as you begin to trust God more and more. God is faithful and even if he doesn't change your circumstances, he promises to be with you and give you peace in the midst of them.

How much better would life be if we were able to trust God with everything today and for the rest of our lives? It starts with doing it now, today. We can work on tomorrow, tomorrow.

Written By: Jonathan N, May 23, 2016

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