Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Work is Not a Curse

People (including me) are always complaining about work.  

But when I read the Bible, I see that work was part of God's original plan for paradise in Eden.  God put Adam to work before Adam and Eve got thrown out of the garden and fell under the curse.  However, because of the curse, many workplaces have become unhealthy and perhaps even demoralizing; as Christians, God can use us to reverse the effects of the curse in the workplace.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Come to my Church Evangelism

At work and other places I often invite people to come to my church or bible study or other Christian thing.  After I have invited someone once, I tend to keep asking (nagging) every time I see that

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Make the main thing the main thing.

When I was in college, I heard someone say that “ministry is the wake you leave behind in the pursuit of Christ.”  I think a lot about how to do ministry in all aspects of my life but I want to step back for a minute and remember that the ministry of a christian falls in the shadow of the christian’s relationship with Christ.  The problem is that it is harder for me live

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

3 Reasons Not to Believe in Jesus' Resurrection

I have had my share of doubts and have heard many criticisms and arguments against the resurrection of Christ.  Here are three of the more prominent ones: